government agency responsible for promoting public health Go to source X Trustworthy Source US Food and Drug Administration U.S. Avoid scrubbing your eyelids or going into hot tubs or whirlpools for 1-2 months, or as advised by eye care professional.After 4 weeks, you can take part in strenuous activities and contact sports. After 2 weeks, you can begin wearing makeup and lotions on the face again. You can gradually return to normal activities, but follow the plan set by your doctor.Alert your doctor of any pain or side effects that you may have at that time, and make a plan for further follow-up visits.

Your doctor will likely plan a follow-up visit for 24- 48 hours after surgery to test your vision and check for infections.A scleral buckle is surgery to place a flexible band around your eye. If an oil bubble is placed, you may need another surgery to remove it. The bubble will allow the retina to return to the correct place. Instead, inform your doctor of any problems if it becomes unbearable. A vitrectomy is surgery to remove vitreous gel from your eye and replace it with a gas or oil bubble. You may also experience burning or itching, but it's important to refrain from touching the eye. After surgery, it's normal for your eyes to tear up more than usual, or for you to experience halos or blurry vision. It is done with a laser that changes the curvature of the lens to allow for clear vision. X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source LASIK is a corrective surgery for those who wear glasses or contacts. Although the procedure itself is quick, the recovery time can last anywhere from 2 to 3 months. Prepare for a long recovery from LASIK surgery. This is due to trapped gas bubbles as the gas absorbs in your eye with time, this should disappear. You may also see a black or silver line going through your field of vision.If you experience any new flashes of light that was not experienced before the surgery, contact your doctor immediately.