He shows him his mysterious painting, which depicts their old D&D crew fighting a dragon. What I neglected to mention: Will ( Noah Schnapp) gives a speech about El needing Mike ( Finn Wolfhard) in a way that is very much about Will needing Mike.Motivating, sure, but ominous and bittersweet. Best needle drop: Easily the Journey remix.She hitches a ride in the Surfer Boy van, which arrives at the perfect time thanks to Argyle's ( Eduardo Franco) stoner instincts. "You are my family, my child," he tells her, an admission of his own loneliness. Brenner dies, but not before releasing the neck explosive and attempting to make peace. Brenner takes the bullets and Eleven flexes her amplified powers by bringing the bird down in a fiery crash. Owens pleads for Eleven's life, but Sullivan orders the sniper to shoot anyway. Brenner is able to get Eleven out, but a sniper-filled helicopter waits outside. Unfortunately for both of them, that's when Sullivan (Sherman Augustus) and his military cohorts arrive, riddling the lab with bullets. He sics one of his men on Owens, then drugs Eleven and collars her with an explosive device. Owens ( Paul Reiser) wants to take her to Hawkins.

Vecna "consumes" victims when he kills them, we learn, absorbing their "abilities" to grow in strength. "Your friends are in terrible danger," he warns. Brenner ( Matthew Modine) tells her it's as bad as they fear. Eleven ( Millie Bobby Brown) knows all of this because, back in possession of her powers, she psychically drops in on her friends in Hawkins.